Version 1.0.5
yCreatures Savanna is an addon from the "yCreatures" collection that adds over 40 new species of animals native to the savannas to improve the biome!
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Last Update
The Safari Days update has been released!! Explore the Savannas of yCreatures with new Safari Cars, be enchanted by the majestic Secretary Bird and fight nomads to recover valuable keys to open the savanna's vaults!
+40 new species of animals native to the savannas
yCreatures Savanna is an incredible addon that belongs to the "yCreatures" collection and was the first biome expansion, released in 2021! It introduces over 40 new species of amazing and highly detailed animals to Minecraft's savanna biomes! In addition to resctructuring the entire terrain generation, it brings new blocks, items, and incredible structures to explore and enjoy!
Each animal in this addon features different characteristics and incredible details in modeling and animation. We have mountable animals like elephants and ostriches, domesticable animals that can assist players during their exploration, and also extremely aggressive and intelligent animals such as leopards, baboons, and lions! There's also a new exploration temple called the Savanna Gold Temple, where players can go into and collect treasures and rare, unique resources, of course, if they can get past all the baboons that are guarding the temple!
The vegetation and landscapes of the biome have received new highlights, such as baobab trees, strata rock formations, termite mounds, and many flowers and rocks, bringing a unique visual never seen before in such a biome, which is usually sparse and unremarkable!
This addon requires "Worldy Library" to function correctly, so don't forget to install the latest available version before starting your world with yCreatures Savanna!

Vai se lascar, baixei o de savana, de bioma é o de domésticos e nenhum funcionou
Meu celular é Motorola one macro, estou na 1.21 e tá tudo certinho mas o mod não aparece nada nem o Spawn dos mobs
Gabriel, as árvores e outros blocos não aparecem de jeito nenhum, nem no ybiomes estou no mcpe 1.21 com tudo certinho e não aparece
Hello, I have a problem with the textures of the savannah in the trees and other parts, I get the unknown block, this also happens to me with yBiomes Craft 2.0 where I hope you can fix it thanks
Es el mejor complemento de animales para mí, pero no sé si sea un error pero no aparecen muchos animales en el mundo, solo monos y tengo la world library, alguien que me ayude pls.
Can you fix the download please?
I can't download this addons. I hope you can fix it together through this, thank you ^ω^, author.
Hello, author, I am from 🇨🇳China. I found a problem. Can the Nile crocodile in the ycreatures savanna be remodeled? And the action is optimized. The important thing is that he will not dive to attack the player, and cannot dive to catch fish. I hope you can agree with this. Thank you.
Dei 5 estrelas porque já joguei nos últimos anos e é muito bom, mas a nova versão do addon não pode ser baixada, faça algo para resolver isso